Saturday, August 22, 2020


 As long as I can remember I was a story teller 

Way back to when I was a kid playing with GIJOE and toy cars I told elaborate stories. My mind always saw everything as if it was really happening. I used to think it would go away when I got older, imagination and all. 

To my surprise it didn’t. I always felt weird that as a preteen I still told elaborate stories with my toys or whatever. I moved from Maryland to Kansas and that rocked my world. I had no real friends at first but was old enough that other kids had life long bonds that no matter what I did I’d never be included in. 

 So back to spending time alone creating entire worlds with toys. I could spend days on the same story remembering where I’d left off the day before. At this point I felt like I was too old to play with toys so I pushed all of that to the side and actively tired to make friends. I did some of whom I am still friends with today. 

Jumping back just a bit I wrote a mid evil story for fun in 6th grade. Not because I had to or for school just because I thought of it and had to get it out. Flash forward to high school and a myth fantasy and folklore class I took (probably one of the best classes I took but should have been more into) I had to come up with a fantasy story and I didn’t want to come up with something because I’m high school it’s not cool to try right? 

What did I do? I turned in that story I wrote as a tiny me back in 6th grade. Thinking I’m going to skate by with a C on the project... nope I got pulled aside and told how creative and fun the story was. Wait what? In storytelling class I got a kudos for something I wrote for fun as practically a child? 

In that same time frame my English teacher and I had a love hate relationship she hated me and I love it :) I got pulled aside in that class and told that she saw I understood the class and projects but that didn’t mean my classmates did so I needed to leave them alone. It actually shocked me, I thought here I was goofing off all the time and she said I understood the class? After that I took it more seriously and applied myself she actually became one of my all time favorite teachers Mrs. Jennings thank you. 

One last thing that happened that stuck with me is a government teacher and I had a similar relationship (see a patter?) but one day I was crap talking about a project or assignment she gave and ways to not do it and I will never forget this she said “Matt you are a wordsmith in the worst way.” I knew it was a proud but shut up and do your work moment. 

Anyway back to the point. I spent so much time hiding from my gift that I wonder what could have been had I leaned in to it? I think to myself now how I could have gone to film school or something for writing. Would I have been more successful? 

I’m here to say if you find yourself coming back to a thing and it brings you joy, lean into it don’t hide from it. If you have kids and they love a art show them it’s ok to love it. Don’t put them in a box because you put yourself in one. I believe the world is changing and artist and art is becoming more important than ever. The human experience is becoming more important than making money and punching a clock everyday. 

Like always if you’re here it means you stuck with me through all of that, I thank you and appreciate it. If you have anything you’d like to know about me, my writing, the process, anything let me know! Don’t forget to like comment and share these help me grow and reach new people! 

Thanks -MH

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