Thursday, May 27, 2021

Don’t F*** Wit My Energy


Energy is all around us. Even if it’s only electricity floating around in the air. If like me you fancy yourself an empath or not, you can pick up on that energy. Sometimes you meet a person and you just click or just flat out can’t be around them. You may not know why but it’s there and you can feel it. Ding, ding, ding, you guessed it it’s that person’s energy. 

  1. (chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

    1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

    2. There are a lot of people who don't believe in someone's empathic nature, they call it nonsense. However most believe in someone having Empathy. Now at this point you can get into a God debate over it, or physic mumbo jumbo. Or you can take it for what it is.

    3. I do believe in something past this world, but I also believe in free will and that negates your path being all planed out for you. What does this have to do with energy? It all comes back to being able to feel someone’s energy or at least perceive how it makes you feel. We have the free will to choose who we surround ourselves with and how much we connect with them. We can also choose what we put out into this world. Our energy is just as important as the next persons. 

      As a creative I think most creatives are more sensitive to another person’s energy. Negative especially, not to say one negative person can control us but it kicks off a snowball effect that is sometimes hard to stop. The same goes for that all important positive energy person, they can give you a spark that ignites a fire that doesn’t burn out. 

      In my last post I talked about how you can put some positivity into a creative’s energy bank, now I’m telling you why it’s important. 

      Two nights ago I went to a social function that has been paused for the last year. We’ve all been on pause for too long and sitting still in one way or another. As I kinda forced myself to go and closed myself off to the people who now seem like strangers to me, one person in particular came up and started talking to me. Like really talking not the cheap “hey” but asking meaningful questions and engaging. 

      In this conversation I felt an energy that I missed, I can not stress enough how important it is to surround yourself with people who’s energy picks you up. Not saying that people who have negative energy should be cast off into a corner or something. Maybe just know you can’t talk to that person about certain things because you have to protect your energy. 

      Here’s where that energy bank I mentioned comes into play. Your energy bank is a safety deposit box room that holds everything that makes you, you. Your loves, your interest, your motivations, your discouragements. If you don’t keep that safe you can find yourself unhappy with no end on the horizon. You can make deposits as well as  withdrawals from this bank. In my opinion the fee for putting out negative comments or energy is very high. To me being a positive energy source never has a fee and can sometimes even give you a little something in return. Kinda like that round up the change thing where you end up with an extra $100 at the end of the month.  

      So we have a energy bank, we can put out positive or negative energy, and we have free will. What the heck am I trying to say? I’m making the point that it is so much more beneficial to keep good energy around you and give some back. Looking at your energy as a form of payment or currency can change how you spend it. Looking at your effort that way is important too. Do you want to spend your money on something you know isn’t worth it? The same goes for your energy and effort. 

      To summarize that crazy, you can choose how to spend your time and energy. Positive energy is a paycheck and negative energy is a tax. The more positive energy you receive and put out the richer you’ll be. The more negative you use the faster you’ll end up unhappy and closed for business or bankrupt. So next time you find yourself in a conversation or situation you don’t want to be in think about how you’re spending. The next time you have the opportunity to put some positivity into the world see what it actually gives back to you. -MH 

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