Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Why I started writing

 This is a good topic first real post,

I now have written 3 books. What even brought this about was having to quit my job. Not because I hated it or life changes. I had to quit due to a buyout and I worked with my wife, we could not be on staff together. 

Flash forward a few weeks and something I’d battled with since I was a kid probably (the more we learn about it) depression. I found myself back in the darkness I fought hard to leave behind. I made all of it worse by distancing myself from friends because most of them I knew from work so it was just a reminder of what I had given up. 

I loved to write since middle school, I would have teachers tell me how original my style was and how they enjoyed my creativity. So I thought about doing it again to pass the time. If anything it would give me something to do between laying in bed and sitting on the couch right? 

There is more to where the story came from in a later post but know it has a crazy story. 

So I started to write and soon I found myself excited to wake up and write while everyone was still sleeping. That turned into writing till well after they got home at night. The story was writing itself! I felt like I had lost my life and out of it an entire world was born. I had 4 or 5 chapters done.. I thought “man I could do something with this.” So I looked for an editor and as fate would have it one of my work friends was going to school for just that!

So I’d write a chapter or so and she’d edit the last one and send it. I’d put those edits in and write the next bit. That went on till we had done a 13 chapter book. I don’t think she even knows how she helped save my life. She also helped form my writing teaching me to become a better storyteller by leaving, “show the reader don’t just tell them” over and over. 

After a ton of work I had a real solid story but wasn’t sure it was done. It needed something but what? I thought hard about the books I loved when I was young because that was the last time I really enjoyed reading. 

What I found was my favorite books were the ones that had art or pictures every so often. The search was on for an artist. Again fate tossed me a gift, one of my best friends that I hadn’t talked to because of  life being life, reached out to me. She said her husband was an artist... I said, “ wait you’re married?” At the very least we had to catch up to that point. 

After meeting him we decided to move forward and the world lined up and the book was one step closer. In this time I jumped from job to job but my focus was to finish this book. That is just what I did. Shortly after Christmas I was able to get things in order and found the amazon self publishing company and boom Here We Remain was a solid thing I could hold in my hands. 

The next books took time, years in fact. Now that I realize I love to write I feel energized to get them done and out so that this world that’s more than just a Zombie apocalypse, can be completed, those people who live in it can find their destiny. 

If you have read all of that I first want to thank you. This is the first time I have ever written about this, I’m an open book if people ask but my trauma is not feeling worth anyone’s time and I tend to make it true by my actions. So I appreciate you giving me yours! Hopefully you’ll come back to find out more about how HWR came to be! 

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