Thursday, August 13, 2020

Nightmare on Film Street

 Something new that has been inspiring to me, the podcast Nightmare on Film Street NOFS 

This podcast is fun and not what I expected. I keep finding film podcasts that just rip movies apart and I am not a fan of that. Even when they don’t like something about a particular film they show it a certain amount of respect, that is what impresses me the most. 

The hosts are sound well versed, I think when you have a woman and man show they either work well or they don’t at all. They get old because one person’s opinion is forced down the others throat. This isn’t the case with Kim and Jon. They respect each other and it makes me the listener respect them both more. 

I worked in a movie theater for almost 10 years, I developed my own way to grade a movie. I feel most podcasts use an unrealistic scale that is often not consistent. The way they rate is understandable and tracks with other movies similar to each other. I can’t speak enough about how love that. 

Last thing I want to say is, they bring up such good points and ask each other such good questions I find myself thinking of how I’d answer or talking out loud getting funny looks because of it. 

On the technical side I will say it is put together very well the audio quality is great, the levels are just right (air pods) I don’t always notice a cut or edit but when I do it isn’t distracting. All and all it is a well produced podcast. 

If you like horror movies and talking about them this is the pod for you! Check it out

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