Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What scares me

 While referring to with my writing, what really scares me is the fear of what’s in the unknown. 

So what’s in the unknown? It’s less about greatness for me and more about disappointment. What is scarier to me is the disappointment that could await. 

I love being creating but with every creation there is a strong chance of disappointment. With writing that fear is not that whatever I write will be awful but that it will be good and my fear will stop me from getting it to the place it needs to be in order to showcase it. 

I do believe in myself and my ability, however it’s not up to me to deem my works good or bad. That is up to the unknown. With eyes glowing, looking on in the dark I feel frozen. The things outside my control scare me the most. 

Now having completed the HWR series, I feel lost because I am no longer in control of where this story goes from here. I hope that it has legs strong enough to stand on its own. 

I believe it’s better to lean into fear rather than run from it. If you are hesitant about doing something because of the fear of the unknown, take the risk. Who knows could be the first step to your dreams! -MH


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