Sunday, February 14, 2021

What’s in a Brain


Trigger warning ⚠️ 

So what’s in a brain, gooey organic you? Or maybe a vast universe or different consciousness. Some say both. 

One thing that I find very interesting that can reside in the brain is hurt. Not a TBI or anything physical, but pain that is more or less likely attached to your soul. 

Yeah I know some of you may not believe you have a soul or that’s to religion for you. But when I say soul I talking about what makes you... you. Yes both that pain I mentioned and the pleasure on the flip side of that coin find ways to latch on to it. 

The thing I’m stuck on right now and the thing that always comes seeping back into my mind especially this time of year is the hurt and the pain someone else can be going through that we otherwise would have no clue is going on. 

As some of you may know I have a Battarang with the letters TH tattooed on my arm. In my young adult life a friend made the ultimate choice. One I also have thought about. 

He was very much like me, ultra creative, super friendly and supportive. Could make you laugh just as fast as make you want to punch him. Along with so much more. 

I reference this because in a blink things can change that scale of,  be here/leave here could tip and that’s it..

Bringing me back to the point of what I’m trying to say, we are all here dealing with life and no real instruction manual. With very real proof that what works with some definitely does not work with others. I stop and think about how insanely wild it is that some people go through all their lives without once thinking about self harm. While others live in an existence of that’s the only thing they think about. 

This isn’t a PSA or a love your friends announcement. Rather a reminder that just because for you life sucks but your brain doesn’t feed you harmful thoughts, someone else’s is. That just because you your brain doesn’t say “hey you could not be here and they’d move on over time.” Don’t think that’s the way it is for everyone. 

Now I know what you’re thinking by now “oh Matt don’t feel that way. You’re loved and people would miss you.” While I thank you for that, this post isn’t about me. While I have good days and bad ones, this is about the ones sitting next to you in silence. This is about the people who read your comments on someone who is open about this and thinking to themselves “well no one would care about me.”

Yeah I wonder how many people think about that? I know I do. For every post about mental health paths how many are sitting in the crowd thinking “must be nice” with a brain saying shut up stupid no one likes you? 

This blog is about them. This blog is for them. One thing I want to stress is I’m very open about my battles not because I’m not afraid (while this is partially true) it’s because I see the people who are battling in silence. It can be as little as a look or a slip of tongue or as big as a private message. But I fucking see you and believe I’m right here and would not ever turn you away. 

It’s sometimes hard to read a post about how if any of my friends are struggling I’m here for you. They always seem empty. Not because you don’t actually feel that way but because I know I’m never going to reach out to you. I have the hand full of people that I’d maybe say something to because I’m not going to make them worry or get sad or anything. If I feel that way I can only imagine how many others do as well. 

Last point is, one battle is not the same as any other. My view is not the same as anyone else. I do not speak for everyone and would never want to. I’m open because every voice is important because every individual is important. The last year and especially the last month have been extremely difficult for some so today... Valentine’s Day and all the days going forward remember that love is not a four letter word. Loving yourself is ok. Most importantly realize that everyone is different so that thing you think is loving and helpful may not be. Instead of saying reach out to me for help, maybe you should reach out to them and just have a random conversation. 

To people that know me know I will pop into your DMs with random things or just to talk because you were on my mind or I was worried. Maybe even hit you with a BOOBS! Just to make you smile because I love you all. -MH

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