Thursday, September 17, 2020

What success is to me


  With Book 2 just around the corner I thought a lot about success means in terms of the books and my writing? 

  Way back I never thought my writing would even be what it is now, that’s already a success and it isn’t lost on me. From an unemployed, depressed, homebody to close to having released 3 books released.  

  Is success millions of dollars? Movie deals and Hollywood? Or is it doing press tours and book signings? Could it be none of that? 

  At the very least I just want my writing to reach people. The story I’ve told in the HWR series is one that is more than a zombie apocalypse. I have my thoughts about it but the thing that everyone who has read it tell me it’s about way more than zombies and they find themselves lost in the story and connected to a character. 

  To me that’s success! I want to build on that. The best thing (in my opinion) a writer can hear is that you connected to the story and a particular character. That is the biggest compliment you can give. Every time I talk to a reader about the book I ask “who’s your favorite character?” To watch them light up is the best feeling. 

  Sure would it be cool to be on the way to a movie set where they are shooting HWR? Heck yeah! However I just want people to give me and my writing a chance. To me that’s the success I want right now, if the story is good the rest will take care if itself but without people taking the chance on reading it I don’t stand a chance. 

  Pride and imagination tell you as a kid “one day I’m gonna be famous.” That may happen for some of us but I’ve always dreamed of just getting a chance to make it doing whatever I felt I was good at. -MH 

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